Purpose of this site

Living hand to mouth is not the way to go.

I have been living a complete mess.  I am turning 40 in January 2018 and my mental, physical and financial health are all a complete mess.

I currently weight 200 pounds at 5'6" and currently wear a size 14 pants.  I weigh more now than I did when I delivered my daughter.  I gained nearly 80 pounds during my pregnancy due to pre-eclampsia and other health issues.  I lost most of it by the time my daughter turned 6 months of age.  That was 14 years ago.  

Since my daughter's head injury just before her first birthday, the weight of her special needs has taken a toll on me- mentally, physically and financially.  

My weight has steadily gone up.   

My anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and depression has also escalated.  

My financials have taken a huge hit.  I am called out of work to pick her up, she has multiple doctors appointments, therapies and more.  I recently had to cut my hours to part-time because it was just the best way I can handle it all without fear of losing my job.  

I have decided to document my journey to improving my health in all the above areas and maybe it can be a help to others as I share what I have found that works and doesn't work.

My job (I work in healthcare) has a partnership with Weight Watchers that begins in January 2018 which I am excited about.  I love to cook and love to eat but I need to make better choices.  I feel that with a healthy body comes a healthy mind and with a healthy mind, I can regain control of my finances.

Along with Weight Watchers, I have joined the Budgetnista's challenges.  

As for my Mental Health- it's a mixed bag.  I have a doctor and therapist I see.  I feel passionately that upon improving my physical health (i.e., decreasing my fatigue, improving my energy, etc.) that I will see an improvement in my mental health along with cotreating with my doctor.  I firmly believe in the power of the mind-body-soul as a team. 

For myself, this isn't a New Year Resolution thing.  It's an "Oh-My-God-I-Am-Turning-40-And-It-Will-Be-Harder-To-Regain-Control-Of-My-Life".

What are your goals? 
